Liu He

I am final year PhD candidate at Purdue University. My advisor is Daniel Aliaga. I am interested in integrating advanced techniques to broad interdisciplinary CV/CG problems. My research focuses on advancing 3D-aware Vision-Language Model (LLaVA, etc.), generative models for image generation and editing while keeping identity, and broad topics on generation, reconstruction, and representation learning of 2D/3D layouts and scenes. I am actively looking for full-time jobs, and always open to any collaborations on interesting topics.

Email  /  CV  /  GitHub  /  Google Scholar  /  LinkedIn

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project image

Advancing Vision Language Models by Large-scale Synthetic Dataset Generation

Liu He, Xiao Zeng, Albert Chen, Yizhi Song, Cheng-Hao Kuo, Min Sun, Daniel Aliaga
Paper Drafting
Project / Paper (Coming Soon!)

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Refine-by-Align: Refinement of Generative Artifacts for Personalized Image Generation

Yizhi Song, Liu He, Zhifei Zhang, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen, Brian L. Price, Jianming Zhang, Soo Ye Kim, He Zhang, Wei Xiong, Daniel Aliaga
Paper Drafting
Project / Paper (Coming Soon!)

Kubrick: Multimodal Agent Collaborations for Synthetic Video Generation

Liu He, Yizhi Song, Hejun Huang, Daniel Aliaga, Xin Zhou
Under Reviewing
Project / Paper

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COHO: Context-Sensitive City-Scale Hierarchical Urban Layout Generation

Liu He, Daniel Aliaga
ECCV 2024 Oral
Project / Paper / Code / Dataset

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GlobalMapper: Arbitrary-Shaped Urban Layout Generation

Liu He, Daniel Aliaga
ICCV 2023
Project / Paper / Supp / Code

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Diffusion-Based Document Layout Generation

Liu He, Yijuan Lu, John Corring, Dinei Florencio, Cha Zhang
ICDAR 2023 Oral
Project / Paper / Code

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Generative Building Feature Estimation from Satellite Images

Liu He, Jie Shan, Daniel Aliaga
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2023)
Project / Paper

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Deep Learning-Based Urban Morphology for City-Scale Environmental Modeling

Pratiman Patel, Rajesh Kalyanam, Liu He, Daniel Aliaga, Dev Niyogi
PNAS Nexus (2023)
Project / Paper


To be the best angler among CS PhDs :-)

Cool sites from Jon Barron's website. Thanks for Leonid Keselman's Jekyll template